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Método de EICV-- Datos: Wasser-Entzugspotenzial (Benutzer) (WDP) (es) en de
Información general
Nombre Wasser-Entzugspotenzial (Benutzer) (WDP)
Pertenece a: Nombre de la(s) metodología(s) de EICV
  • Environmental Footprint
Categoría(s) de impacto
  • other
Indicador de impacto User deprivation potential (deprivation-weighted water consumption)
Referencia cuantitativa
Cantidad de referencia
Representatividad temporal
Año de referencia 2017
Duración del impacto modelado time independent
Representatividad geográfica
Ubicación de la intervención GLO
Ubicación del impacto GLO
Descripción de la representatividad geográfica Applicable to world and country level
Modelo de impacto
Nombre(s) del modelo(s) de caracterización de la EICV AWARE 100 (Available water Remaining)
Descripción del modelo de caracterización de la EICV y sub-modelos incluidos Relative Available WAter REmaining per area in a watershed, after the demand of humans and aquatic ecosystems has been met
Recomendaciones de uso de los datos CF are recommendedfor characterization of blue water consumption only, whereconsumption is defined as the difference between withdrawal andrelease of blue water. Therefore, green water, fossil water, seawater and rain water are not to be characterized with this CFs set.The following features of AWARE100 are not included:agricultural/non-agricultural distinction at country level, temporal(monthly) specification, characterization factors at watershed level.
Método de EICV, normalización, ponderación
Tipo de datos Mid-point indicator
Principio(s) del método de EICV
  • other
Desviación respecto a los principios del método de EICV Quantification of the impacts associated to water scarcity through the characterization of consumptive uses
Normalización incluida? No
Ponderación incluída? No
Criterios de exclusión
Número de elementos de inventario básico contemplados 36
Propietario y objetivo
Aplicaciones previstas Provide globally applicable baseline impact factors for the impact category "water scarcity" (midpoint level).
Datos generados por
Generador de datos/modelador
Datos introducidos por
Fecha y hora del último guardado 2016-12-20T15:25:20.840+01:00
Formato(s) de los datos
Referencia al origen de los datos
Datos introducidos por
Recomendación oficial
Nivel recomendado de datos para el método de EICV Level III
Publicación y propiedad
UUID b2ad66ce-c78d-11e6-9d9d-cec0c932ce01
Fecha de la última revisión 2016-12-20T00:00:00
Versión 03.00.015
Estado del flujo de trabajo y la publicación Data set finalised; entirely published
Propietario de los datos
Copyright Si
Restricciones de acceso y uso The data set can be used free of charge by anybody to perform LCA studies, to distribute it to third parties, to convert it to other formats, to develop own data sets etc. as long as the ILCD format is mantained. Please note e.g. that reference must be given to the 'Owner of data set' (who may have additional copyright and license requirements on the particular data set that are to be met). Please note also that any modifications/omissions of the data set results in invalidity of any existing 'Official recommendation of data set by governmental body'
Flujo Clasificación Ubicación Cambiar dirección Valor medio Valor mínimo Valor máximo Tipo de distribución de la incertidumbre Desviación estándar relativa en % Tipo de derivación de datos/estado Recomendación de desviación Referencia a la fuente(s) de datos
not available AF Input 57.2 % Unknown derivation
not available AL Input 23.1 % Unknown derivation
not available DZ Input 64.5 % Unknown derivation
not available AS Input 4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available AD Input 74.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AO Input 7.99 % Unknown derivation
not available AI Input 22.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AG Input 13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AR Input 47.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AM Input 85.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AW Input 100.0 % Unknown derivation
not available AU Input 72.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AT Input 1.27 % Unknown derivation
not available AZ Input 85.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BS Input 24.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BH Input 9.93 % Unknown derivation
not available BD Input 2.43 % Unknown derivation
not available BB Input 10.5 % Unknown derivation
not available BY Input 3.39 % Unknown derivation
not available BE Input 1.37 % Unknown derivation
not available BZ Input 2.13 % Unknown derivation
not available BJ Input 7.29 % Unknown derivation
not available BT Input 1.03 % Unknown derivation
not available BO Input 6.62 % Unknown derivation
not available BA Input 1.16 % Unknown derivation
not available BW Input 22.5 % Unknown derivation
not available BR Input 2.17 % Unknown derivation
not available BN Input 0.221 % Unknown derivation
not available BG Input 25.6 % Unknown derivation
not available BF Input 15.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BI Input 76.9 % Unknown derivation
not available CV Input 1.05 % Unknown derivation
not available KH Input 6.53 % Unknown derivation
not available CM Input 8.51 % Unknown derivation
not available CA Input 7.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CF Input 10.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TD Input 22.6 % Unknown derivation
not available CL Input 80.1 % Unknown derivation
not available CN Input 42.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CO Input 0.679 % Unknown derivation
not available KM Input 9.2 % Unknown derivation
not available CG Input 0.862 % Unknown derivation
not available CD Input 7.11 % Unknown derivation
not available CR Input 0.933 % Unknown derivation
not available CI Input 6.85 % Unknown derivation
not available HR Input 9.06 % Unknown derivation
not available CU Input 5.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CY Input 74.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CZ Input 1.79 % Unknown derivation
not available DK Input 3.54 % Unknown derivation
not available DJ Input 13.4 % Unknown derivation
not available DM Input 5.5 % Unknown derivation
not available DO Input 9.69 % Unknown derivation
not available EC Input 4.06 % Unknown derivation
not available EG Input 98.4 % Unknown derivation
not available SV Input 1.65 % Unknown derivation
not available GQ Input 0.233 % Unknown derivation
not available ER Input 50.1 % Unknown derivation
not available EE Input 1.97 % Unknown derivation
not available ET Input 28.6 % Unknown derivation
not available FK Input 14.3 % Unknown derivation
not available FO Input 0.877 % Unknown derivation
not available FJ Input 1.38 % Unknown derivation
not available FI Input 1.94 % Unknown derivation
not available FR Input 6.98 % Unknown derivation
not available GF Input 0.607 % Unknown derivation
not available GA Input 1.09 % Unknown derivation
not available GM Input 11.8 % Unknown derivation
not available GE Input 74.2 % Unknown derivation
not available DE Input 1.36 % Unknown derivation
not available GH Input 20.8 % Unknown derivation
not available GI Input 46.2 % Unknown derivation
not available GR Input 68.4 % Unknown derivation
not available GL Input 0.0 % Unknown derivation
not available GD Input 11.8 % Unknown derivation
not available GP Input 15.0 % Unknown derivation
not available GT Input 1.2 % Unknown derivation
not available GN Input 15.1 % Unknown derivation
not available GW Input 5.01 % Unknown derivation
not available GY Input 2.39 % Unknown derivation
not available HT Input 2.56 % Unknown derivation
not available VA Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available HN Input 1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available HU Input 1.26 % Unknown derivation
not available IS Input 0.598 % Unknown derivation
not available IN Input 29.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ID Input 23.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IR Input 66.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IQ Input 56.4 % Unknown derivation
not available IE Input 0.716 % Unknown derivation
not available IM Input 4.07 % Unknown derivation
not available IL Input 82.0 % Unknown derivation
not available IT Input 44.9 % Unknown derivation
not available JM Input 7.98 % Unknown derivation
not available JP Input 0.897 % Unknown derivation
not available JE Input 13.5 % Unknown derivation
not available JO Input 77.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KZ Input 52.6 % Unknown derivation
not available KE Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KP Input 2.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KR Input 1.66 % Unknown derivation
not available KW Input 53.8 % Unknown derivation
not available KG Input 68.9 % Unknown derivation
not available LA Input 5.71 % Unknown derivation
not available LV Input 1.45 % Unknown derivation
not available LB Input 85.1 % Unknown derivation
not available LS Input 19.3 % Unknown derivation
not available LR Input 0.675 % Unknown derivation
not available LY Input 51.6 % Unknown derivation
not available LI Input 0.761 % Unknown derivation
not available LT Input 1.23 % Unknown derivation
not available LU Input 0.851 % Unknown derivation
not available MK Input 34.2 % Unknown derivation
not available MG Input 2.74 % Unknown derivation
not available MW Input 5.44 % Unknown derivation
not available MY Input 1.64 % Unknown derivation
not available ML Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MT Input 62.6 % Unknown derivation
not available MQ Input 9.64 % Unknown derivation
not available MR Input 91.3 % Unknown derivation
not available MU Input 3.34 % Unknown derivation
not available MX Input 33.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MD Input 1.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MC Input 3.04 % Unknown derivation
not available MN Input 29.8 % Unknown derivation
not available ME Input 8.73 % Unknown derivation
not available MS Input 10.5 % Unknown derivation
not available MA Input 86.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MZ Input 4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available MM Input 5.02 % Unknown derivation
not available NA Input 37.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NP Input 14.2 % Unknown derivation
not available NL Input 1.17 % Unknown derivation
not available AN Input 88.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NC Input 6.9 % Unknown derivation
not available NZ Input 9.53 % Unknown derivation
not available NI Input 2.17 % Unknown derivation
not available NE Input 8.67 % Unknown derivation
not available NG Input 8.91 % Unknown derivation
not available NO Input 0.634 % Unknown derivation
not available OM Input 17.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PK Input 61.4 % Unknown derivation
not available PS Input 82.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PA Input 2.14 % Unknown derivation
not available PG Input 1.43 % Unknown derivation
not available PY Input 1.29 % Unknown derivation
not available PE Input 24.9 % Unknown derivation
not available PH Input 7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available PL Input 1.96 % Unknown derivation
not available PT Input 49.6 % Unknown derivation
not available PR Input 7.93 % Unknown derivation
not available QA Input 73.4 % Unknown derivation
not available RE Input 9.61 % Unknown derivation
not available RO Input 8.33 % Unknown derivation
not available RU Input 12.5 % Unknown derivation
not available RW Input 80.7 % Unknown derivation
not available KN Input 4.59 % Unknown derivation
not available LC Input 41.5 % Unknown derivation
not available PM Input 12.4 % Unknown derivation
not available VC Input 9.23 % Unknown derivation
not available WS Input 0.843 % Unknown derivation
not available SM Input 12.2 % Unknown derivation
not available ST Input 14.6 % Unknown derivation
not available SA Input 18.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SN Input 81.8 % Unknown derivation
not available RS Input 13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SL Input 1.06 % Unknown derivation
not available SG Input 0.926 % Unknown derivation
not available SK Input 1.3 % Unknown derivation
not available SI Input 0.917 % Unknown derivation
not available SB Input 1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available SO Input 49.5 % Unknown derivation
not available ZA Input 36.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ES Input 77.7 % Unknown derivation
not available LK Input 24.6 % Unknown derivation
not available SD Input 38.2 % Unknown derivation
not available SR Input 0.563 % Unknown derivation
not available SZ Input 1.93 % Unknown derivation
not available SE Input 4.41 % Unknown derivation
not available CH Input 1.34 % Unknown derivation
not available SY Input 75.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TW Input 4.99 % Unknown derivation
not available TJ Input 72.0 % Unknown derivation
not available TZ Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TH Input 7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available TL Input 9.08 % Unknown derivation
not available TG Input 15.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TO Input 12.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TT Input 14.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TN Input 69.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TR Input 55.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TM Input 65.7 % Unknown derivation
not available TC Input 12.7 % Unknown derivation
not available UG Input 83.3 % Unknown derivation
not available UA Input 26.8 % Unknown derivation
not available AE Input 18.6 % Unknown derivation
not available GB Input 3.5 % Unknown derivation
not available US Input 33.8 % Unknown derivation
not available Input 42.95 % Unknown derivation
not available UY Input 0.601 % Unknown derivation
not available UZ Input 72.3 % Unknown derivation
not available VU Input 2.75 % Unknown derivation
not available VE Input 4.55 % Unknown derivation
not available VN Input 13.4 % Unknown derivation
not available VG Input 14.6 % Unknown derivation
not available VI Input 12.8 % Unknown derivation
not available EH Input 42.0 % Unknown derivation
not available YE Input 37.6 % Unknown derivation
not available ZM Input 5.58 % Unknown derivation
not available ZW Input 4.97 % Unknown derivation
not available AF Input 57.2 % Unknown derivation
not available AL Input 23.1 % Unknown derivation
not available DZ Input 64.5 % Unknown derivation
not available AS Input 4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available AD Input 74.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AO Input 7.99 % Unknown derivation
not available AI Input 22.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AG Input 13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AR Input 47.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AM Input 85.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AW Input 100.0 % Unknown derivation
not available AU Input 72.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AT Input 1.27 % Unknown derivation
not available AZ Input 85.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BS Input 24.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BH Input 9.93 % Unknown derivation
not available BD Input 2.43 % Unknown derivation
not available BB Input 10.5 % Unknown derivation
not available BY Input 3.39 % Unknown derivation
not available BE Input 1.37 % Unknown derivation
not available BZ Input 2.13 % Unknown derivation
not available BJ Input 7.29 % Unknown derivation
not available BT Input 1.03 % Unknown derivation
not available BO Input 6.62 % Unknown derivation
not available BA Input 1.16 % Unknown derivation
not available BW Input 22.5 % Unknown derivation
not available BR Input 2.17 % Unknown derivation
not available BN Input 0.221 % Unknown derivation
not available BG Input 25.6 % Unknown derivation
not available BF Input 15.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BI Input 76.9 % Unknown derivation
not available CV Input 1.05 % Unknown derivation
not available KH Input 6.53 % Unknown derivation
not available CM Input 8.51 % Unknown derivation
not available CA Input 7.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CF Input 10.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TD Input 22.6 % Unknown derivation
not available CL Input 80.1 % Unknown derivation
not available CN Input 42.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CO Input 0.679 % Unknown derivation
not available KM Input 9.2 % Unknown derivation
not available CG Input 0.862 % Unknown derivation
not available CD Input 7.11 % Unknown derivation
not available CR Input 0.933 % Unknown derivation
not available CI Input 6.85 % Unknown derivation
not available HR Input 9.06 % Unknown derivation
not available CU Input 5.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CY Input 74.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CZ Input 1.79 % Unknown derivation
not available DK Input 3.54 % Unknown derivation
not available DJ Input 13.4 % Unknown derivation
not available DM Input 5.5 % Unknown derivation
not available DO Input 9.69 % Unknown derivation
not available EC Input 4.06 % Unknown derivation
not available EG Input 98.4 % Unknown derivation
not available SV Input 1.65 % Unknown derivation
not available GQ Input 0.233 % Unknown derivation
not available ER Input 50.1 % Unknown derivation
not available EE Input 1.97 % Unknown derivation
not available ET Input 28.6 % Unknown derivation
not available FK Input 14.3 % Unknown derivation
not available FO Input 0.877 % Unknown derivation
not available FJ Input 1.38 % Unknown derivation
not available FI Input 1.94 % Unknown derivation
not available FR Input 6.98 % Unknown derivation
not available GF Input 0.607 % Unknown derivation
not available GA Input 1.09 % Unknown derivation
not available GM Input 11.8 % Unknown derivation
not available GE Input 74.2 % Unknown derivation
not available DE Input 1.36 % Unknown derivation
not available GH Input 20.8 % Unknown derivation
not available GI Input 46.2 % Unknown derivation
not available GR Input 68.4 % Unknown derivation
not available GL Input 0.0 % Unknown derivation
not available GD Input 11.8 % Unknown derivation
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not available GW Input 5.01 % Unknown derivation
not available GY Input 2.39 % Unknown derivation
not available HT Input 2.56 % Unknown derivation
not available VA Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available HN Input 1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available HU Input 1.26 % Unknown derivation
not available IS Input 0.598 % Unknown derivation
not available IN Input 29.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ID Input 23.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IR Input 66.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IQ Input 56.4 % Unknown derivation
not available IE Input 0.716 % Unknown derivation
not available IM Input 4.07 % Unknown derivation
not available IL Input 82.0 % Unknown derivation
not available IT Input 44.9 % Unknown derivation
not available JM Input 7.98 % Unknown derivation
not available JP Input 0.897 % Unknown derivation
not available JE Input 13.5 % Unknown derivation
not available JO Input 77.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KZ Input 52.6 % Unknown derivation
not available KE Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KP Input 2.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KR Input 1.66 % Unknown derivation
not available KW Input 53.8 % Unknown derivation
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not available LA Input 5.71 % Unknown derivation
not available LV Input 1.45 % Unknown derivation
not available LB Input 85.1 % Unknown derivation
not available LS Input 19.3 % Unknown derivation
not available LR Input 0.675 % Unknown derivation
not available LY Input 51.6 % Unknown derivation
not available LI Input 0.761 % Unknown derivation
not available LT Input 1.23 % Unknown derivation
not available LU Input 0.851 % Unknown derivation
not available MK Input 34.2 % Unknown derivation
not available MG Input 2.74 % Unknown derivation
not available MW Input 5.44 % Unknown derivation
not available MY Input 1.64 % Unknown derivation
not available ML Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MT Input 62.6 % Unknown derivation
not available MQ Input 9.64 % Unknown derivation
not available MR Input 91.3 % Unknown derivation
not available MU Input 3.34 % Unknown derivation
not available MX Input 33.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MD Input 1.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MC Input 3.04 % Unknown derivation
not available MN Input 29.8 % Unknown derivation
not available ME Input 8.73 % Unknown derivation
not available MS Input 10.5 % Unknown derivation
not available MA Input 86.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MZ Input 4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available MM Input 5.02 % Unknown derivation
not available NA Input 37.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NP Input 14.2 % Unknown derivation
not available NL Input 1.17 % Unknown derivation
not available AN Input 88.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NC Input 6.9 % Unknown derivation
not available NZ Input 9.53 % Unknown derivation
not available NI Input 2.17 % Unknown derivation
not available NE Input 8.67 % Unknown derivation
not available NG Input 8.91 % Unknown derivation
not available NO Input 0.634 % Unknown derivation
not available OM Input 17.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PK Input 61.4 % Unknown derivation
not available PS Input 82.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PA Input 2.14 % Unknown derivation
not available PG Input 1.43 % Unknown derivation
not available PY Input 1.29 % Unknown derivation
not available PE Input 24.9 % Unknown derivation
not available PH Input 7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available PL Input 1.96 % Unknown derivation
not available PT Input 49.6 % Unknown derivation
not available PR Input 7.93 % Unknown derivation
not available QA Input 73.4 % Unknown derivation
not available RE Input 9.61 % Unknown derivation
not available RO Input 8.33 % Unknown derivation
not available RU Input 12.5 % Unknown derivation
not available RW Input 80.7 % Unknown derivation
not available KN Input 4.59 % Unknown derivation
not available LC Input 41.5 % Unknown derivation
not available PM Input 12.4 % Unknown derivation
not available VC Input 9.23 % Unknown derivation
not available WS Input 0.843 % Unknown derivation
not available SM Input 12.2 % Unknown derivation
not available ST Input 14.6 % Unknown derivation
not available SA Input 18.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SN Input 81.8 % Unknown derivation
not available RS Input 13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SL Input 1.06 % Unknown derivation
not available SG Input 0.926 % Unknown derivation
not available SK Input 1.3 % Unknown derivation
not available SI Input 0.917 % Unknown derivation
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not available SO Input 49.5 % Unknown derivation
not available ZA Input 36.4 % Unknown derivation
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not available LK Input 24.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available SR Input 0.563 % Unknown derivation
not available SZ Input 1.93 % Unknown derivation
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not available SY Input 75.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TW Input 4.99 % Unknown derivation
not available TJ Input 72.0 % Unknown derivation
not available TZ Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TH Input 7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available TL Input 9.08 % Unknown derivation
not available TG Input 15.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TO Input 12.3 % Unknown derivation
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not available VI Input 12.8 % Unknown derivation
not available EH Input 42.0 % Unknown derivation
not available YE Input 37.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available ZW Input 4.97 % Unknown derivation
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not available CV Input 1.05 % Unknown derivation
not available KH Input 6.53 % Unknown derivation
not available CM Input 8.51 % Unknown derivation
not available CA Input 7.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CF Input 10.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available CL Input 80.1 % Unknown derivation
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not available CO Input 0.679 % Unknown derivation
not available KM Input 9.2 % Unknown derivation
not available CG Input 0.862 % Unknown derivation
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not available CR Input 0.933 % Unknown derivation
not available CI Input 6.85 % Unknown derivation
not available HR Input 9.06 % Unknown derivation
not available CU Input 5.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CY Input 74.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CZ Input 1.79 % Unknown derivation
not available DK Input 3.54 % Unknown derivation
not available DJ Input 13.4 % Unknown derivation
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not available DO Input 9.69 % Unknown derivation
not available EC Input 4.06 % Unknown derivation
not available EG Input 98.4 % Unknown derivation
not available SV Input 1.65 % Unknown derivation
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not available ER Input 50.1 % Unknown derivation
not available EE Input 1.97 % Unknown derivation
not available ET Input 28.6 % Unknown derivation
not available FK Input 14.3 % Unknown derivation
not available FO Input 0.877 % Unknown derivation
not available FJ Input 1.38 % Unknown derivation
not available FI Input 1.94 % Unknown derivation
not available FR Input 6.98 % Unknown derivation
not available GF Input 0.607 % Unknown derivation
not available GA Input 1.09 % Unknown derivation
not available GM Input 11.8 % Unknown derivation
not available GE Input 74.2 % Unknown derivation
not available DE Input 1.36 % Unknown derivation
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not available GI Input 46.2 % Unknown derivation
not available GR Input 68.4 % Unknown derivation
not available GL Input 0.0 % Unknown derivation
not available GD Input 11.8 % Unknown derivation
not available GP Input 15.0 % Unknown derivation
not available GT Input 1.2 % Unknown derivation
not available GN Input 15.1 % Unknown derivation
not available GW Input 5.01 % Unknown derivation
not available GY Input 2.39 % Unknown derivation
not available HT Input 2.56 % Unknown derivation
not available VA Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available HN Input 1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available HU Input 1.26 % Unknown derivation
not available IS Input 0.598 % Unknown derivation
not available IN Input 29.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ID Input 23.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IR Input 66.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IQ Input 56.4 % Unknown derivation
not available IE Input 0.716 % Unknown derivation
not available IM Input 4.07 % Unknown derivation
not available IL Input 82.0 % Unknown derivation
not available IT Input 44.9 % Unknown derivation
not available JM Input 7.98 % Unknown derivation
not available JP Input 0.897 % Unknown derivation
not available JE Input 13.5 % Unknown derivation
not available JO Input 77.5 % Unknown derivation
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not available KE Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KP Input 2.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KR Input 1.66 % Unknown derivation
not available KW Input 53.8 % Unknown derivation
not available KG Input 68.9 % Unknown derivation
not available LA Input 5.71 % Unknown derivation
not available LV Input 1.45 % Unknown derivation
not available LB Input 85.1 % Unknown derivation
not available LS Input 19.3 % Unknown derivation
not available LR Input 0.675 % Unknown derivation
not available LY Input 51.6 % Unknown derivation
not available LI Input 0.761 % Unknown derivation
not available LT Input 1.23 % Unknown derivation
not available LU Input 0.851 % Unknown derivation
not available MK Input 34.2 % Unknown derivation
not available MG Input 2.74 % Unknown derivation
not available MW Input 5.44 % Unknown derivation
not available MY Input 1.64 % Unknown derivation
not available ML Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MT Input 62.6 % Unknown derivation
not available MQ Input 9.64 % Unknown derivation
not available MR Input 91.3 % Unknown derivation
not available MU Input 3.34 % Unknown derivation
not available MX Input 33.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MD Input 1.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MC Input 3.04 % Unknown derivation
not available MN Input 29.8 % Unknown derivation
not available ME Input 8.73 % Unknown derivation
not available MS Input 10.5 % Unknown derivation
not available MA Input 86.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MZ Input 4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available MM Input 5.02 % Unknown derivation
not available NA Input 37.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NP Input 14.2 % Unknown derivation
not available NL Input 1.17 % Unknown derivation
not available AN Input 88.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NC Input 6.9 % Unknown derivation
not available NZ Input 9.53 % Unknown derivation
not available NI Input 2.17 % Unknown derivation
not available NE Input 8.67 % Unknown derivation
not available NG Input 8.91 % Unknown derivation
not available NO Input 0.634 % Unknown derivation
not available OM Input 17.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PK Input 61.4 % Unknown derivation
not available PS Input 82.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PA Input 2.14 % Unknown derivation
not available PG Input 1.43 % Unknown derivation
not available PY Input 1.29 % Unknown derivation
not available PE Input 24.9 % Unknown derivation
not available PH Input 7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available PL Input 1.96 % Unknown derivation
not available PT Input 49.6 % Unknown derivation
not available PR Input 7.93 % Unknown derivation
not available QA Input 73.4 % Unknown derivation
not available RE Input 9.61 % Unknown derivation
not available RO Input 8.33 % Unknown derivation
not available RU Input 12.5 % Unknown derivation
not available RW Input 80.7 % Unknown derivation
not available KN Input 4.59 % Unknown derivation
not available LC Input 41.5 % Unknown derivation
not available PM Input 12.4 % Unknown derivation
not available VC Input 9.23 % Unknown derivation
not available WS Input 0.843 % Unknown derivation
not available SM Input 12.2 % Unknown derivation
not available ST Input 14.6 % Unknown derivation
not available SA Input 18.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SN Input 81.8 % Unknown derivation
not available RS Input 13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SL Input 1.06 % Unknown derivation
not available SG Input 0.926 % Unknown derivation
not available SK Input 1.3 % Unknown derivation
not available SI Input 0.917 % Unknown derivation
not available SB Input 1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available SO Input 49.5 % Unknown derivation
not available ZA Input 36.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ES Input 77.7 % Unknown derivation
not available LK Input 24.6 % Unknown derivation
not available SD Input 38.2 % Unknown derivation
not available SR Input 0.563 % Unknown derivation
not available SZ Input 1.93 % Unknown derivation
not available SE Input 4.41 % Unknown derivation
not available CH Input 1.34 % Unknown derivation
not available SY Input 75.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TW Input 4.99 % Unknown derivation
not available TJ Input 72.0 % Unknown derivation
not available TZ Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TH Input 7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available TL Input 9.08 % Unknown derivation
not available TG Input 15.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TO Input 12.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TT Input 14.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TN Input 69.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TR Input 55.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TM Input 65.7 % Unknown derivation
not available TC Input 12.7 % Unknown derivation
not available UG Input 83.3 % Unknown derivation
not available UA Input 26.8 % Unknown derivation
not available AE Input 18.6 % Unknown derivation
not available GB Input 3.5 % Unknown derivation
not available US Input 33.8 % Unknown derivation
not available Input 42.95 % Unknown derivation
not available UY Input 0.601 % Unknown derivation
not available UZ Input 72.3 % Unknown derivation
not available VU Input 2.75 % Unknown derivation
not available VE Input 4.55 % Unknown derivation
not available VN Input 13.4 % Unknown derivation
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not available VI Input 12.8 % Unknown derivation
not available EH Input 42.0 % Unknown derivation
not available YE Input 37.6 % Unknown derivation
not available ZM Input 5.58 % Unknown derivation
not available ZW Input 4.97 % Unknown derivation
not available AF Input 57.2 % Unknown derivation
not available AL Input 23.1 % Unknown derivation
not available DZ Input 64.5 % Unknown derivation
not available AS Input 4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available AD Input 74.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AO Input 7.99 % Unknown derivation
not available AI Input 22.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AG Input 13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AR Input 47.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AM Input 85.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AW Input 100.0 % Unknown derivation
not available AU Input 72.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AT Input 1.27 % Unknown derivation
not available AZ Input 85.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BS Input 24.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BH Input 9.93 % Unknown derivation
not available BD Input 2.43 % Unknown derivation
not available BB Input 10.5 % Unknown derivation
not available BY Input 3.39 % Unknown derivation
not available BE Input 1.37 % Unknown derivation
not available BZ Input 2.13 % Unknown derivation
not available BJ Input 7.29 % Unknown derivation
not available BT Input 1.03 % Unknown derivation
not available BO Input 6.62 % Unknown derivation
not available BA Input 1.16 % Unknown derivation
not available BW Input 22.5 % Unknown derivation
not available BR Input 2.17 % Unknown derivation
not available BN Input 0.221 % Unknown derivation
not available BG Input 25.6 % Unknown derivation
not available BF Input 15.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BI Input 76.9 % Unknown derivation
not available CV Input 1.05 % Unknown derivation
not available KH Input 6.53 % Unknown derivation
not available CM Input 8.51 % Unknown derivation
not available CA Input 7.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CF Input 10.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TD Input 22.6 % Unknown derivation
not available CL Input 80.1 % Unknown derivation
not available CN Input 42.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CO Input 0.679 % Unknown derivation
not available KM Input 9.2 % Unknown derivation
not available CG Input 0.862 % Unknown derivation
not available CD Input 7.11 % Unknown derivation
not available CR Input 0.933 % Unknown derivation
not available CI Input 6.85 % Unknown derivation
not available HR Input 9.06 % Unknown derivation
not available CU Input 5.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CY Input 74.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CZ Input 1.79 % Unknown derivation
not available DK Input 3.54 % Unknown derivation
not available DJ Input 13.4 % Unknown derivation
not available DM Input 5.5 % Unknown derivation
not available DO Input 9.69 % Unknown derivation
not available EC Input 4.06 % Unknown derivation
not available EG Input 98.4 % Unknown derivation
not available SV Input 1.65 % Unknown derivation
not available GQ Input 0.233 % Unknown derivation
not available ER Input 50.1 % Unknown derivation
not available EE Input 1.97 % Unknown derivation
not available ET Input 28.6 % Unknown derivation
not available FK Input 14.3 % Unknown derivation
not available FO Input 0.877 % Unknown derivation
not available FJ Input 1.38 % Unknown derivation
not available FI Input 1.94 % Unknown derivation
not available FR Input 6.98 % Unknown derivation
not available GF Input 0.607 % Unknown derivation
not available GA Input 1.09 % Unknown derivation
not available GM Input 11.8 % Unknown derivation
not available GE Input 74.2 % Unknown derivation
not available DE Input 1.36 % Unknown derivation
not available GH Input 20.8 % Unknown derivation
not available GI Input 46.2 % Unknown derivation
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not available GL Input 0.0 % Unknown derivation
not available GD Input 11.8 % Unknown derivation
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not available GT Input 1.2 % Unknown derivation
not available GN Input 15.1 % Unknown derivation
not available GW Input 5.01 % Unknown derivation
not available GY Input 2.39 % Unknown derivation
not available HT Input 2.56 % Unknown derivation
not available VA Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available HN Input 1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available HU Input 1.26 % Unknown derivation
not available IS Input 0.598 % Unknown derivation
not available IN Input 29.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ID Input 23.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IR Input 66.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IQ Input 56.4 % Unknown derivation
not available IE Input 0.716 % Unknown derivation
not available IM Input 4.07 % Unknown derivation
not available IL Input 82.0 % Unknown derivation
not available IT Input 44.9 % Unknown derivation
not available JM Input 7.98 % Unknown derivation
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not available JE Input 13.5 % Unknown derivation
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not available KZ Input 52.6 % Unknown derivation
not available KE Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KP Input 2.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KR Input 1.66 % Unknown derivation
not available KW Input 53.8 % Unknown derivation
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not available LS Input 19.3 % Unknown derivation
not available LR Input 0.675 % Unknown derivation
not available LY Input 51.6 % Unknown derivation
not available LI Input 0.761 % Unknown derivation
not available LT Input 1.23 % Unknown derivation
not available LU Input 0.851 % Unknown derivation
not available MK Input 34.2 % Unknown derivation
not available MG Input 2.74 % Unknown derivation
not available MW Input 5.44 % Unknown derivation
not available MY Input 1.64 % Unknown derivation
not available ML Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MT Input 62.6 % Unknown derivation
not available MQ Input 9.64 % Unknown derivation
not available MR Input 91.3 % Unknown derivation
not available MU Input 3.34 % Unknown derivation
not available MX Input 33.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MD Input 1.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MC Input 3.04 % Unknown derivation
not available MN Input 29.8 % Unknown derivation
not available ME Input 8.73 % Unknown derivation
not available MS Input 10.5 % Unknown derivation
not available MA Input 86.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MZ Input 4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available MM Input 5.02 % Unknown derivation
not available NA Input 37.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NP Input 14.2 % Unknown derivation
not available NL Input 1.17 % Unknown derivation
not available AN Input 88.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NC Input 6.9 % Unknown derivation
not available NZ Input 9.53 % Unknown derivation
not available NI Input 2.17 % Unknown derivation
not available NE Input 8.67 % Unknown derivation
not available NG Input 8.91 % Unknown derivation
not available NO Input 0.634 % Unknown derivation
not available OM Input 17.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PK Input 61.4 % Unknown derivation
not available PS Input 82.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PA Input 2.14 % Unknown derivation
not available PG Input 1.43 % Unknown derivation
not available PY Input 1.29 % Unknown derivation
not available PE Input 24.9 % Unknown derivation
not available PH Input 7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available PL Input 1.96 % Unknown derivation
not available PT Input 49.6 % Unknown derivation
not available PR Input 7.93 % Unknown derivation
not available QA Input 73.4 % Unknown derivation
not available RE Input 9.61 % Unknown derivation
not available RO Input 8.33 % Unknown derivation
not available RU Input 12.5 % Unknown derivation
not available RW Input 80.7 % Unknown derivation
not available KN Input 4.59 % Unknown derivation
not available LC Input 41.5 % Unknown derivation
not available PM Input 12.4 % Unknown derivation
not available VC Input 9.23 % Unknown derivation
not available WS Input 0.843 % Unknown derivation
not available SM Input 12.2 % Unknown derivation
not available ST Input 14.6 % Unknown derivation
not available SA Input 18.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SN Input 81.8 % Unknown derivation
not available RS Input 13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SL Input 1.06 % Unknown derivation
not available SG Input 0.926 % Unknown derivation
not available SK Input 1.3 % Unknown derivation
not available SI Input 0.917 % Unknown derivation
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not available SO Input 49.5 % Unknown derivation
not available ZA Input 36.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ES Input 77.7 % Unknown derivation
not available LK Input 24.6 % Unknown derivation
not available SD Input 38.2 % Unknown derivation
not available SR Input 0.563 % Unknown derivation
not available SZ Input 1.93 % Unknown derivation
not available SE Input 4.41 % Unknown derivation
not available CH Input 1.34 % Unknown derivation
not available SY Input 75.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TW Input 4.99 % Unknown derivation
not available TJ Input 72.0 % Unknown derivation
not available TZ Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TH Input 7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available TL Input 9.08 % Unknown derivation
not available TG Input 15.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TO Input 12.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TT Input 14.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TN Input 69.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TR Input 55.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TM Input 65.7 % Unknown derivation
not available TC Input 12.7 % Unknown derivation
not available UG Input 83.3 % Unknown derivation
not available UA Input 26.8 % Unknown derivation
not available AE Input 18.6 % Unknown derivation
not available GB Input 3.5 % Unknown derivation
not available US Input 33.8 % Unknown derivation
not available Input 42.95 % Unknown derivation
not available UY Input 0.601 % Unknown derivation
not available UZ Input 72.3 % Unknown derivation
not available VU Input 2.75 % Unknown derivation
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not available VN Input 13.4 % Unknown derivation
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not available VI Input 12.8 % Unknown derivation
not available EH Input 42.0 % Unknown derivation
not available YE Input 37.6 % Unknown derivation
not available ZM Input 5.58 % Unknown derivation
not available ZW Input 4.97 % Unknown derivation
not available Output -42.95 % Unknown derivation
not available AF Output -57.2 % Unknown derivation
not available AL Output -23.1 % Unknown derivation
not available DZ Output -64.5 % Unknown derivation
not available AS Output -4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available AD Output -74.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AO Output -7.99 % Unknown derivation
not available AI Output -22.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AG Output -13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AR Output -47.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AM Output -85.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AW Output -100.0 % Unknown derivation
not available AU Output -72.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AT Output -1.27 % Unknown derivation
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not available BD Output -2.43 % Unknown derivation
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not available BT Output -1.03 % Unknown derivation
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not available CM Output -8.51 % Unknown derivation
not available CA Output -7.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CF Output -10.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TD Output -22.6 % Unknown derivation
not available CL Output -80.1 % Unknown derivation
not available CN Output -42.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CO Output -0.679 % Unknown derivation
not available KM Output -9.2 % Unknown derivation
not available CG Output -0.862 % Unknown derivation
not available CD Output -7.11 % Unknown derivation
not available CR Output -0.933 % Unknown derivation
not available CI Output -6.85 % Unknown derivation
not available HR Output -9.06 % Unknown derivation
not available CU Output -5.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CY Output -74.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CZ Output -1.79 % Unknown derivation
not available DK Output -3.54 % Unknown derivation
not available DJ Output -13.4 % Unknown derivation
not available DM Output -5.5 % Unknown derivation
not available DO Output -9.69 % Unknown derivation
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not available SV Output -1.65 % Unknown derivation
not available GQ Output -0.233 % Unknown derivation
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not available EE Output -1.97 % Unknown derivation
not available ET Output -28.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available FO Output -0.877 % Unknown derivation
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not available GA Output -1.09 % Unknown derivation
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not available HT Output -2.56 % Unknown derivation
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not available HN Output -1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available HU Output -1.26 % Unknown derivation
not available IS Output -0.598 % Unknown derivation
not available IN Output -29.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ID Output -23.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IR Output -66.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IQ Output -56.4 % Unknown derivation
not available IE Output -0.716 % Unknown derivation
not available IM Output -4.07 % Unknown derivation
not available IL Output -82.0 % Unknown derivation
not available IT Output -44.9 % Unknown derivation
not available JM Output -7.98 % Unknown derivation
not available JP Output -0.897 % Unknown derivation
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not available JO Output -77.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KZ Output -52.6 % Unknown derivation
not available KE Output -19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KP Output -2.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KR Output -1.66 % Unknown derivation
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not available LA Output -5.71 % Unknown derivation
not available LV Output -1.45 % Unknown derivation
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not available LR Output -0.675 % Unknown derivation
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not available LI Output -0.761 % Unknown derivation
not available LT Output -1.23 % Unknown derivation
not available LU Output -0.851 % Unknown derivation
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not available MG Output -2.74 % Unknown derivation
not available MW Output -5.44 % Unknown derivation
not available MY Output -1.64 % Unknown derivation
not available ML Output -15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MT Output -62.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available AR Input 47.1 % Unknown derivation
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not available AT Input 1.27 % Unknown derivation
not available AZ Input 85.9 % Unknown derivation
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not available BH Input 9.93 % Unknown derivation
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not available HU Input 1.26 % Unknown derivation
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not available MW Input 5.44 % Unknown derivation
not available MY Input 1.64 % Unknown derivation
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not available MC Input 3.04 % Unknown derivation
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not available NE Input 8.67 % Unknown derivation
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not available NO Input 0.634 % Unknown derivation
not available OM Input 17.2 % Unknown derivation
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not available PS Input 82.2 % Unknown derivation
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not available PY Input 1.29 % Unknown derivation
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not available QA Input 73.4 % Unknown derivation
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not available TJ Input 72.0 % Unknown derivation
not available TZ Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
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not available TG Input 15.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TO Input 12.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TT Input 14.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TN Input 69.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TR Input 55.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TM Input 65.7 % Unknown derivation
not available TC Input 12.7 % Unknown derivation
not available UG Input 83.3 % Unknown derivation
not available UA Input 26.8 % Unknown derivation
not available AE Input 18.6 % Unknown derivation
not available GB Input 3.5 % Unknown derivation
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not available Input 42.95 % Unknown derivation
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not available ZM Input 5.58 % Unknown derivation
not available ZW Input 4.97 % Unknown derivation
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not available AO Output -7.99 % Unknown derivation
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not available ET Output -28.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available AE Output -18.6 % Unknown derivation
not available GB Output -3.5 % Unknown derivation
not available US Output -33.8 % Unknown derivation
not available UY Output -0.601 % Unknown derivation
not available UZ Output -72.3 % Unknown derivation
not available VU Output -2.75 % Unknown derivation
not available VE Output -4.55 % Unknown derivation
not available VN Output -13.4 % Unknown derivation
not available VG Output -14.6 % Unknown derivation
not available VI Output -12.8 % Unknown derivation
not available EH Output -42.0 % Unknown derivation
not available YE Output -37.6 % Unknown derivation
not available ZM Output -5.58 % Unknown derivation
not available ZW Output -4.97 % Unknown derivation
not available AF Input 57.2 % Unknown derivation
not available AL Input 23.1 % Unknown derivation
not available DZ Input 64.5 % Unknown derivation
not available AS Input 4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available AD Input 74.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AO Input 7.99 % Unknown derivation
not available AI Input 22.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AG Input 13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AR Input 47.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AM Input 85.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AW Input 100.0 % Unknown derivation
not available AU Input 72.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AT Input 1.27 % Unknown derivation
not available AZ Input 85.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BS Input 24.9 % Unknown derivation
not available BH Input 9.93 % Unknown derivation
not available BD Input 2.43 % Unknown derivation
not available BB Input 10.5 % Unknown derivation
not available BY Input 3.39 % Unknown derivation
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not available BZ Input 2.13 % Unknown derivation
not available BJ Input 7.29 % Unknown derivation
not available BT Input 1.03 % Unknown derivation
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not available BW Input 22.5 % Unknown derivation
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not available BN Input 0.221 % Unknown derivation
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not available CV Input 1.05 % Unknown derivation
not available KH Input 6.53 % Unknown derivation
not available CM Input 8.51 % Unknown derivation
not available CA Input 7.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CF Input 10.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TD Input 22.6 % Unknown derivation
not available CL Input 80.1 % Unknown derivation
not available CN Input 42.4 % Unknown derivation
not available CO Input 0.679 % Unknown derivation
not available KM Input 9.2 % Unknown derivation
not available CG Input 0.862 % Unknown derivation
not available CD Input 7.11 % Unknown derivation
not available CR Input 0.933 % Unknown derivation
not available CI Input 6.85 % Unknown derivation
not available HR Input 9.06 % Unknown derivation
not available CU Input 5.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CY Input 74.3 % Unknown derivation
not available CZ Input 1.79 % Unknown derivation
not available DK Input 3.54 % Unknown derivation
not available DJ Input 13.4 % Unknown derivation
not available DM Input 5.5 % Unknown derivation
not available DO Input 9.69 % Unknown derivation
not available EC Input 4.06 % Unknown derivation
not available EG Input 98.4 % Unknown derivation
not available SV Input 1.65 % Unknown derivation
not available GQ Input 0.233 % Unknown derivation
not available ER Input 50.1 % Unknown derivation
not available EE Input 1.97 % Unknown derivation
not available ET Input 28.6 % Unknown derivation
not available FK Input 14.3 % Unknown derivation
not available FO Input 0.877 % Unknown derivation
not available FJ Input 1.38 % Unknown derivation
not available FI Input 1.94 % Unknown derivation
not available FR Input 6.98 % Unknown derivation
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not available GA Input 1.09 % Unknown derivation
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not available DE Input 1.36 % Unknown derivation
not available GH Input 20.8 % Unknown derivation
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not available GL Input 0.0 % Unknown derivation
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not available GT Input 1.2 % Unknown derivation
not available GN Input 15.1 % Unknown derivation
not available GW Input 5.01 % Unknown derivation
not available GY Input 2.39 % Unknown derivation
not available HT Input 2.56 % Unknown derivation
not available VA Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available HN Input 1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available HU Input 1.26 % Unknown derivation
not available IS Input 0.598 % Unknown derivation
not available IN Input 29.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ID Input 23.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IR Input 66.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IQ Input 56.4 % Unknown derivation
not available IE Input 0.716 % Unknown derivation
not available IM Input 4.07 % Unknown derivation
not available IL Input 82.0 % Unknown derivation
not available IT Input 44.9 % Unknown derivation
not available JM Input 7.98 % Unknown derivation
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not available KP Input 2.5 % Unknown derivation
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not available LS Input 19.3 % Unknown derivation
not available LR Input 0.675 % Unknown derivation
not available LY Input 51.6 % Unknown derivation
not available LI Input 0.761 % Unknown derivation
not available LT Input 1.23 % Unknown derivation
not available LU Input 0.851 % Unknown derivation
not available MK Input 34.2 % Unknown derivation
not available MG Input 2.74 % Unknown derivation
not available MW Input 5.44 % Unknown derivation
not available MY Input 1.64 % Unknown derivation
not available ML Input 15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MT Input 62.6 % Unknown derivation
not available MQ Input 9.64 % Unknown derivation
not available MR Input 91.3 % Unknown derivation
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not available MC Input 3.04 % Unknown derivation
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not available NZ Input 9.53 % Unknown derivation
not available NI Input 2.17 % Unknown derivation
not available NE Input 8.67 % Unknown derivation
not available NG Input 8.91 % Unknown derivation
not available NO Input 0.634 % Unknown derivation
not available OM Input 17.2 % Unknown derivation
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not available PS Input 82.2 % Unknown derivation
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not available PT Input 49.6 % Unknown derivation
not available PR Input 7.93 % Unknown derivation
not available QA Input 73.4 % Unknown derivation
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not available VC Input 9.23 % Unknown derivation
not available WS Input 0.843 % Unknown derivation
not available SM Input 12.2 % Unknown derivation
not available ST Input 14.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available SN Input 81.8 % Unknown derivation
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not available SL Input 1.06 % Unknown derivation
not available SG Input 0.926 % Unknown derivation
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not available SO Input 49.5 % Unknown derivation
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not available SR Input 0.563 % Unknown derivation
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not available CH Input 1.34 % Unknown derivation
not available SY Input 75.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TW Input 4.99 % Unknown derivation
not available TJ Input 72.0 % Unknown derivation
not available TZ Input 19.5 % Unknown derivation
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not available TO Input 12.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TT Input 14.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TN Input 69.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TR Input 55.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available TC Input 12.7 % Unknown derivation
not available UG Input 83.3 % Unknown derivation
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not available US Input 33.8 % Unknown derivation
not available Input 42.95 % Unknown derivation
not available UY Input 0.601 % Unknown derivation
not available UZ Input 72.3 % Unknown derivation
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not available VI Input 12.8 % Unknown derivation
not available EH Input 42.0 % Unknown derivation
not available YE Input 37.6 % Unknown derivation
not available ZM Input 5.58 % Unknown derivation
not available ZW Input 4.97 % Unknown derivation
not available Output -42.955 % Unknown derivation
not available AF Output -57.2 % Unknown derivation
not available AL Output -23.1 % Unknown derivation
not available DZ Output -64.5 % Unknown derivation
not available AS Output -4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available AD Output -74.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AO Output -7.99 % Unknown derivation
not available AI Output -22.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AG Output -13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available AR Output -47.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AM Output -85.4 % Unknown derivation
not available AW Output -100.0 % Unknown derivation
not available AU Output -72.1 % Unknown derivation
not available AT Output -1.27 % Unknown derivation
not available AZ Output -85.9 % Unknown derivation
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not available BD Output -2.43 % Unknown derivation
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not available BY Output -3.39 % Unknown derivation
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not available BT Output -1.03 % Unknown derivation
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not available CV Output -1.05 % Unknown derivation
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not available CA Output -7.4 % Unknown derivation
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not available TD Output -22.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available CG Output -0.862 % Unknown derivation
not available CD Output -7.11 % Unknown derivation
not available CR Output -0.933 % Unknown derivation
not available CI Output -6.85 % Unknown derivation
not available HR Output -9.06 % Unknown derivation
not available CU Output -5.3 % Unknown derivation
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not available CZ Output -1.79 % Unknown derivation
not available DK Output -3.54 % Unknown derivation
not available DJ Output -13.4 % Unknown derivation
not available DM Output -5.5 % Unknown derivation
not available DO Output -9.69 % Unknown derivation
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not available SV Output -1.65 % Unknown derivation
not available GQ Output -0.233 % Unknown derivation
not available ER Output -50.1 % Unknown derivation
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not available ET Output -28.6 % Unknown derivation
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not available FO Output -0.877 % Unknown derivation
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not available DE Output -1.36 % Unknown derivation
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not available GW Output -5.01 % Unknown derivation
not available GY Output -2.39 % Unknown derivation
not available HT Output -2.56 % Unknown derivation
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not available HN Output -1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available HU Output -1.26 % Unknown derivation
not available IS Output -0.598 % Unknown derivation
not available IN Output -29.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ID Output -23.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IR Output -66.6 % Unknown derivation
not available IQ Output -56.4 % Unknown derivation
not available IE Output -0.716 % Unknown derivation
not available IM Output -4.07 % Unknown derivation
not available IL Output -82.0 % Unknown derivation
not available IT Output -44.9 % Unknown derivation
not available JM Output -7.98 % Unknown derivation
not available JP Output -0.897 % Unknown derivation
not available JE Output -13.5 % Unknown derivation
not available JO Output -77.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KZ Output -52.6 % Unknown derivation
not available KE Output -19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KP Output -2.5 % Unknown derivation
not available KR Output -1.66 % Unknown derivation
not available KW Output -53.8 % Unknown derivation
not available KG Output -68.9 % Unknown derivation
not available LA Output -5.71 % Unknown derivation
not available LV Output -1.45 % Unknown derivation
not available LB Output -85.1 % Unknown derivation
not available LS Output -19.3 % Unknown derivation
not available LR Output -0.675 % Unknown derivation
not available LY Output -51.6 % Unknown derivation
not available LI Output -0.761 % Unknown derivation
not available LT Output -1.23 % Unknown derivation
not available LU Output -0.851 % Unknown derivation
not available MK Output -34.2 % Unknown derivation
not available MG Output -2.74 % Unknown derivation
not available MW Output -5.44 % Unknown derivation
not available MY Output -1.64 % Unknown derivation
not available ML Output -15.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MT Output -62.6 % Unknown derivation
not available MQ Output -9.64 % Unknown derivation
not available MR Output -91.3 % Unknown derivation
not available MU Output -3.34 % Unknown derivation
not available MX Output -33.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MD Output -1.7 % Unknown derivation
not available MC Output -3.04 % Unknown derivation
not available MN Output -29.8 % Unknown derivation
not available ME Output -8.73 % Unknown derivation
not available MS Output -10.5 % Unknown derivation
not available MA Output -86.4 % Unknown derivation
not available MZ Output -4.42 % Unknown derivation
not available MM Output -5.02 % Unknown derivation
not available NA Output -37.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NP Output -14.2 % Unknown derivation
not available NL Output -1.17 % Unknown derivation
not available AN Output -88.8 % Unknown derivation
not available NC Output -6.9 % Unknown derivation
not available NZ Output -9.53 % Unknown derivation
not available NI Output -2.17 % Unknown derivation
not available NE Output -8.67 % Unknown derivation
not available NG Output -8.91 % Unknown derivation
not available NO Output -0.634 % Unknown derivation
not available OM Output -17.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PK Output -61.4 % Unknown derivation
not available PS Output -82.2 % Unknown derivation
not available PA Output -2.14 % Unknown derivation
not available PG Output -1.43 % Unknown derivation
not available PY Output -1.29 % Unknown derivation
not available PE Output -24.9 % Unknown derivation
not available PH Output -7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available PL Output -1.96 % Unknown derivation
not available PT Output -49.6 % Unknown derivation
not available PR Output -7.93 % Unknown derivation
not available QA Output -73.4 % Unknown derivation
not available RE Output -9.61 % Unknown derivation
not available RO Output -8.33 % Unknown derivation
not available RU Output -12.5 % Unknown derivation
not available RW Output -80.7 % Unknown derivation
not available KN Output -4.59 % Unknown derivation
not available LC Output -41.5 % Unknown derivation
not available PM Output -12.4 % Unknown derivation
not available VC Output -9.23 % Unknown derivation
not available WS Output -0.843 % Unknown derivation
not available SM Output -12.2 % Unknown derivation
not available ST Output -14.6 % Unknown derivation
not available SA Output -18.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SN Output -81.8 % Unknown derivation
not available RS Output -13.7 % Unknown derivation
not available SL Output -1.06 % Unknown derivation
not available SG Output -0.926 % Unknown derivation
not available SK Output -1.3 % Unknown derivation
not available SI Output -0.917 % Unknown derivation
not available SB Output -1.11 % Unknown derivation
not available SO Output -49.5 % Unknown derivation
not available ZA Output -36.4 % Unknown derivation
not available ES Output -77.7 % Unknown derivation
not available LK Output -24.6 % Unknown derivation
not available SD Output -38.2 % Unknown derivation
not available SR Output -0.563 % Unknown derivation
not available SZ Output -1.93 % Unknown derivation
not available SE Output -4.41 % Unknown derivation
not available CH Output -1.34 % Unknown derivation
not available SY Output -75.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TW Output -4.99 % Unknown derivation
not available TJ Output -72.0 % Unknown derivation
not available TZ Output -19.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TH Output -7.82 % Unknown derivation
not available TL Output -9.08 % Unknown derivation
not available TG Output -15.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TO Output -12.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TT Output -14.5 % Unknown derivation
not available TN Output -69.3 % Unknown derivation
not available TR Output -55.6 % Unknown derivation
not available TM Output -65.7 % Unknown derivation
not available TC Output -12.7 % Unknown derivation
not available UG Output -83.3 % Unknown derivation
not available UA Output -26.8 % Unknown derivation
not available AE Output -18.6 % Unknown derivation
not available GB Output -3.5 % Unknown derivation
not available US Output -33.8 % Unknown derivation
not available UY Output -0.601 % Unknown derivation
not available UZ Output -72.3 % Unknown derivation
not available VU Output -2.75 % Unknown derivation
not available VE Output -4.55 % Unknown derivation
not available VN Output -13.4 % Unknown derivation
not available VG Output -14.6 % Unknown derivation
not available VI Output -12.8 % Unknown derivation
not available EH Output -42.0 % Unknown derivation
not available YE Output -37.6 % Unknown derivation
not available ZM Output -5.58 % Unknown derivation
not available ZW Output -4.97 % Unknown derivation