Tags | Dieser Datensatz ist Bestandteil der ÖKOBAUDAT. |
Key Data Set Information | |
Location | DE |
Geographical representativeness description | The data set represents the country specific situation in Germany, focusing on the main technologies, the region specific characteristics and / or import statistics. |
Reference year | 2018 |
Name |
Base name
; Quantitative product or process properties
Steel sheet hot dip galvanized (2-20mm); 2-20 mm
Use advice for data set | The data set represents a cradle to gate inventory. It can be used to characterise the supply chain situation of the respective commodity in a representative manner. Combination with individual unit processes using this commodity enables the generation of user-specific (product) LCAs. |
Technical purpose of product or process | This product can be used in construction. |
Classification number | 4.1.04 |
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Class name
Hierarchy level
General comment on data set | This data set has been modeled according to the European Standard EN 15804 for Sustainable Building. Results are depicted in modules that allow the structured expression of results over the entire life cycle. |
Uncertainty margins | 10 |
Description | Product system almost completely covered. Good technological, temporal and geographic representativeness. |
Copyright | Yes |
Owner of data set | |
Quantitative reference | |
Reference flow(s) |
Time representativeness | |
Data set valid until | 2022 |
Time representativeness description | Annual average |
Technological representativeness | |
Technology description including background system | The data set represents the steel production in Germany based on the main production steps which take place within an integrated steel plant. These production steps as well as the main upstream process steps are described in the following. The main primary products are iron ore, pellets and hard coal. The import mix for the German steel production concerning iron ore and pellets is: Canada 50%, Brazil 25%, Australia 25%. The import mix for the German steel production concerning hard coal is: 100% Canada. The iron ore mining is explained in detail in the respective documentation file (please see link below). The preparation of the iron ore includes mainly the crushing. The average iron content in the iron ore is 60%. Pellets are small crystallized balls of iron ore. The pelletisation process consists of grinding and drying, balling and induration followed by screening and handling. The provision of hard coal is described in the respective documentation file (please see link below). For every fraction the transport to Germany is considered in the data set. The transportation includes all necessary transportation means like ship and where required railway. The coke oven produces as main product coke out of hard coal. The main by-product resulting from this operation is coke oven gas (COG gas) which is used as energy carrier within the steel production. Further by-products as tar, benzene and sulphur are sold and therefore excluded from the system by allocation to (net) calorific value. In the sinter plant sinter feed is produced based on the major inputs coke, iron ore and additives. Sintering is an agglomeration process which takes place under high temperatures. The raw materials (fine iron ore, coke breeze, additives) are blended, then the coke breeze is ignited. The result of the sinter process is the so-called sinter cake which has to be broken up, screened and cooled down. The blast furnace is a closed system into which iron bearing materials (iron ore lump, sinter and / or pellets), additives (slag formers such as limestone) and reducing agents (coke) are continuously fed from the top of the furnace shaft through a charging system. A hot air blast, enriched with oxygen and auxiliary reducing agents (e.g. pulverized coal) is injected providing a counter-current of reducing gases. The air blast reacts with the reducing agents to produce mainly carbon monoxide which in turn reduces iron oxides to metal iron. The main products of the blast furnace operation are hot metal, blast furnace gas (BF gas) and blast furnace slag (BF slag). The BF gas is used as fuel for heating comparable to the COG gas or for electricity production. The objective in oxygen steelmaking is to burn (i.e., oxidise) the undesirable impurities contained in the metallic feedstock. The main elements thus converted into oxides are carbon, silicon, manganese, phosphorus and sulphur. The purpose of this oxidation process, therefore, are to reduce the carbon content to a specified level to adjust the contents of desirable foreign elements and to remove undesirable impurities to the greatest possible extent. The production of steel by the basic oxygen furnace (BOF) process is a discontinuous process which involves the following steps: transfer and storage of hot metal, pre-treatment of hot metal (desulphurisation), oxidation in the BOF (decarburisation and oxidation of impurities) and secondary metallurgical treatment (e.g. vacuum treatment and adding alloying elements). Within the main step of the oxygen steelmaking, the hot metal feeds together with steel scrap the converter. The main products of the converter are the liquid steel, the converter gas or basic oxygen furnace gas (BOF gas) and the BOF slag. The gas is as well used as energy carrier within the steel production. Afterwards the continuous casting takes place whereby the liquid steel is cast in continuous strand. The output of the continuous casting process is the slab. The following operations are two rolling processes: the hot strip mill and the cold rolling mill. In the hot rolling mill the slab is reshaped above the recrystallization temperature. The qualities obtained in this process are e.g. strength and surface quality. During the rolling process the material passes through the furnace and the rolling line. In the furnace the metal is preheated by natural gas. There is no need for an additional warming, if the hot slabs are directly charged into the rolling mill. The forming is done in various rolling frames until the final shape is obtained. The steel scrap in this process are directly recycled. In the hot rolling mill the material is reshaped. Background system: Electricity: Electricity is modelled according to the individual country-specific situations. The country-specific modelling is achieved on multiple levels. Firstly, individual energy carrier specific power plants and plants for renewable energy sources are modelled according to the current national electricity grid mix. Modelling the electricity consumption mix includes transmission / distribution losses and the own use by energy producers (own consumption of power plants and "other" own consumption e.g. due to pumped storage hydro power etc.), as well as imported electricity. Secondly, the national emission and efficiency standards of the power plants are modelled as well as the share of electricity plants and combined heat and power plants (CHP). Thirdly, the country-specific energy carrier supply (share of imports and / or domestic supply) including the country-specific energy carrier properties (e.g. element and energy content) are accounted for. Fourthly, the exploration, mining/production, processing and transport processes of the energy carrier supply chains are modelled according to the specific situation of each electricity producing country. The different production and processing techniques (emissions and efficiencies) in the different energy producing countries are considered, e.g. different crude oil production technologies or different flaring rates at the oil platforms. Thermal energy, process steam: The thermal energy and process steam supply is modelled according to the individual country-specific situation with regard to emission standards and considered energy carriers. The thermal energy and process steam are produced at heat plants. Efficiencies for thermal energy production are by definition 100% in relation to the corresponding energy carrier input. For process steam the efficiency ranges from 85%, 90% to 95%. The energy carriers used for the generation of thermal energy and process steam are modelled according to the specific import situation (see electricity above). Transports: All relevant and known transport processes are included. Ocean-going and inland ship transport as well as rail, truck and pipeline transport of bulk commodities are considered. Energy carriers: The energy carriers are modelled according to the specific supply situation (see electricity above). Refinery products: Diesel fuel, gasoline, technical gases, fuel oils, lubricants and residues such as bitumen are modelled with a parameterised country-specific refinery model. The refinery model represents the current national standard in refining techniques (e.g. emission level, internal energy consumption, etc.) as well as the individual country-specific product output spectrum, which can be quite different from country to country. The supply of crude oil is modelled, again, according to the country-specific situation with the respective properties of the resources. |
Pictogram of technology |
Subtype | generic dataset | ||||||||
Data sources, treatment and representativeness | |||||||||
Data source(s) used for this data set | |||||||||
Completeness | |||||||||
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Compliance Declarations |
Compliance |
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Fully compliant |
Nomenclature compliance
Methodological compliance
Review compliance
Documentation compliance
Quality compliance
Data entry by | |
Time stamp (last saved) | 2019-12-04T10:05:33+01:00 |
Data set format(s) | |
Data entry by | |
Publication and ownership | |
UUID | 531ab34f-6750-41a8-aedc-35cf4df3c8b1 |
Data set version | 20.19.120 |
Owner of data set | |
Copyright | Yes |
Indicators of life cycle