Tags | Dieser Datensatz ist Bestandteil der ÖKOBAUDAT. |
Key Data Set Information | |
Location | DE |
Geographical representativeness description | The data set represents the country specific situation in Germany, focusing on the main technologies, the region specific characteristics and / or import statistics. |
Reference year | 2018 |
Name |
Use advice for data set | The data set represents a cradle to gate inventory. It can be used to characterise the supply chain situation of the respective commodity in a representative manner. Combination with individual unit processes using this commodity enables the generation of user-specific (product) LCAs. |
Technical purpose of product or process | This product can be used in construction. |
Classification number | 9.3.04 |
Classification |
Class name
Hierarchy level
General comment on data set | This data set has been modeled according to the European Standard EN 15804 for Sustainable Building. Results are depicted in modules that allow the structured expression of results over the entire life cycle. |
Uncertainty margins | 10 |
Description | Product system almost completely covered. Good technological, temporal and geographic representativeness. |
Copyright | Yes |
Owner of data set | |
Quantitative reference | |
Reference flow(s) |
Time representativeness | |
Data set valid until | 2022 |
Time representativeness description | Annual average |
Technological representativeness | |
Technology description including background system | The dataset refers to 1000kg cargo on 1 km, 1 tkm sea transport per bulk carrier. Extrachtion and processing of fuel (fuel oil) are included. The balancing does not cover the production of the carrier. |
Subtype | generic dataset | ||||||||
Data sources, treatment and representativeness | |||||||||
Data source(s) used for this data set | |||||||||
Completeness | |||||||||
Validation | |||||||||
| |||||||||
Compliance Declarations |
Compliance |
Compliance system name
Approval of overall compliance
Fully compliant |
Nomenclature compliance
Methodological compliance
Review compliance
Documentation compliance
Quality compliance
Data entry by | |
Time stamp (last saved) | 2019-12-04T10:06:42+01:00 |
Data set format(s) | |
Data entry by | |
Publication and ownership | |
UUID | 59860874-85ef-48e6-9b04-07c0de468a47 |
Data set version | 20.19.120 |
Owner of data set | |
Copyright | Yes |
Indicators of life cycle