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Process Data set: Laminate flooring (en) en de

Tags Dieser Datensatz ist Bestandteil der ÖKOBAUDAT.
Key Data Set Information
Location DE
Reference year 2019
Laminate flooring
Use advice for data set Scope: This EPD applies to the production of laminate flooring in the German production plant of Parador GmbH in Coesfeld. All product types manufactured in the period 01 January - 31 December 2017 were taken into account. System boundary: Type of EPD: Cradle to factory gate - with options. The system boundaries for module A1-3 include all raw material extraction processes, both for the material and for energy flows, which are used from the cradle to the factory gate, their further processing into primary and intermediate products up to the production of the laminate flooring. Modules A4 and A5 include transport and installation of the building product on the construction site as well as the disposal of packaging waste. Modules C2 and C3 cover the transport and energy recovery of the product in the end of life.
Technical purpose of product or process Laminate flooring is suitable for floating installation indoors in new buildings as well as for renovations. They can be installed on screed as well as other mineral subfloors, wood or PVC. The principles of proper installation can be found in the installation instructions supplied or in the brochure "/Laminate Flooring Indoor advice section/".
Classification number 3.3.01
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • OEKOBAU.DAT: 3.3.01 Wood / Wooden floor / Laminate flooring
  • IBUCategories: null / null / null
General comment on data set Parador laminate flooring is part of the group of hard flooring elements characterised by a highly abrasion-resistant top layer suitable for floating installation, i.e. without gluing, using a patented click connection. An individual look is achieved by the printed and impregnated decor paper. A special manufacturing process provides the surface with an appropriate texture. The laminate flooring is available in various plank formats, which are contoured on the long and the end edges with a highly precise click connection. The finished planks are packaged in cartons and foil at the factory to protect them from damage. The respective production shares of all laminate flooring produced at the Coesfeld plant is included in the calculation of averages.
Copyright Yes
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
Material properties of the reference flow
    • gross density: 875.0 kg/m^3
    • conversion factor to 1kg: 0.133 -
Time representativeness
Data set valid until 2024
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system Illustration of the Direct Pressed Laminate flooring (DPL) manufacturing process: The overlay, decor paper, core board (HDF), and backing materials are thermally pressed together in one working step in a short-cycle press. Through an irreversible polycondensation reaction during compression, the impregnating resin (melamine-urea-formaldehyde) is three-dimensionally cross-linked under thermal input. The chemically stable binding agents are thus firmly bound in the wood. After pressing, the semi-finished formats acclimatise to ambient temperature. After an acclimatisation period, the semi-finished formats are cut according to the product formats and given a lengthways and crossways profile. After quality control of the individual laminate flooring elements, they are packed in half-shell cartons and shrink-wrapped. These individual packaging units are stacked on pallets according to the different formats. All processes are continually inspected and documented as part of the in-house Factory Production Control (FPC). Technical data: Structural data The performance values of the product according to the declaration of performance shall apply with regard to its essential characteristics according to /EN 13329:2017-12/ Declared unit: The declared unit is 1 m2 of the laminate flooring including packaging materials of the weighted average according to the production quantity.

Indicators of life cycle

IndicatorDirectionUnit Production
Waste processing
Recycling Potential
  • 6.534
  • 0.2185
  • 1.541
  • 0.03336
  • 142.8
  • -12.44
  • 144.4
  • 0
  • -1.534
  • 0
  • -142.8
  • 0
  • 150.9
  • 0.2185
  • 0.007086
  • 0.03336
  • 0.4996
  • -12.44
  • 129.6
  • 4.556
  • 0.637
  • 0.4874
  • 3.753
  • -63.9
  • 0.5923
  • 0
  • -0.5923
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 130.2
  • 4.556
  • 0.04477
  • 0.4874
  • 3.753
  • -63.9
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1.839
  • 0.0002546
  • 0.0004632
  • 0.00003849
  • 0.03082
  • -0.01696
  • 1.334E-7
  • 1.994E-7
  • 7.024E-11
  • 3.104E-8
  • 2.118E-9
  • -2.607E-8
  • 0.05378
  • 0.0002538
  • 0.003257
  • 0.00003825
  • 0.0287
  • -0.02756
  • 0.006669
  • 0.000006638
  • 0.000002756
  • 7.673E-7
  • 0.000199
  • -0.005468
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0.28
  • 0
  • 25.14
  • 0
  • 1.651
  • 0
  • 0.51
  • 0
  • 46.39
  • 0

IndicatorUnit Production
Waste processing
Recycling Potential
  • -5.272
  • 0.3492
  • 0.1695
  • 0.03591
  • 13.5
  • -3.649
  • 4.445E-7
  • 8.802E-15
  • 3.936E-15
  • 9.781E-16
  • 2.844E-13
  • -8.023E-12
  • 0.005359
  • -0.0001986
  • 0.000001998
  • -0.00009694
  • 0.0002827
  • -0.0004823
  • 0.0196
  • 0.004446
  • 0.00002917
  • 0.0002146
  • 0.004429
  • -0.006179
  • 0.006683
  • 0.0005952
  • 0.000005611
  • 0.00005473
  • 0.001105
  • -0.0006666
  • 0.000003088
  • 2.78E-8
  • 2.865E-9
  • 3.849E-9
  • 1.407E-7
  • -0.000001042
  • 105.3
  • 4.539
  • 0.03782
  • 0.4855
  • 3.252
  • -50.12