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Source Data set: Air pollutant emissions from stationary installations using bioenergy in the NLs BOLK Phase 2 (en)
Data set information
Short name Air pollutant emissions from stationary installations using bioenergy in the NLs BOLK Phase 2
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • GaBiCategories: a5661b37-c582-440c-943f-267ef944dcd5 / e4cd07b2-68a5-4c93-8f26-dac1ca39d64c
Source citation Boersma, A.R; Lako, P.; R. van der Linden, Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), Air pollutant emissions from stationary installations using bioenergy in the NLs BOLK Phase 2, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, 2009
Publication type Other unpublished and grey literature
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2011-10-31T23:00:00+01:00
Data set format(s)
Publication and ownership
UUID 63ab79ca-79b8-480a-93ff-23b6e10f3301
Data set version 39.00.000